Update - Version

Hi fellow developers. This new version contains a couple of important bug fixes that may affect your exported games, as well as an improvement on the workflow for retrieving the save state.

Release Notes v0.0.0.5

Bug Fix - The exported projects from construct 3 may appear scaled incorrectly on the LoL platform if you are using resolutions other than 1024x576. The previous version of the plugin used to export your project taking your game resolution in consideration, therefore if the resolution was other than the one specified, the iframe may appear incorrectly scaled.

Bug Fix - Set Max Progress action should not cause an error Log outside of the LoL Test Harness (aesthetic error). 

Bug Fix - Submit Game Progress action capped to Max Progress.

Improvement - When using the Save State actions, the plugin automatically updated the game progress and will prevent you from further decreasing the progress after the load. The desired workflow for processing the loading state should be:

  1.  Send the Game Is Ready action. 
  2. Wait for the event On Start to be called 
  3. Request the saved state using Load State action, then the plugin will automatically update the game progress and will make the state data available through LoLAPI.GetStateData expression. 
  4. Ask the player if wants to play all over again, or continue where he/she left. 

In the described scenario, the plugin prevents you from setting the progress back to zero because it is supposed to be an unwanted behavior during your gameplay, however at this point the plugin already automatically updated the game progress automatically to the last received by the Load State action, and if the player starts your game from the begining, the progress will be incorrectly set. Therefore, this validation to decrease your progress using the actions Submit Game Progress or Reset Progress must allow you to send a zero to set it to the correct value when the game starts from your first scene.


ppstudio_lolapi v0.0.0.5.c3addon 32 kB
Mar 03, 2021
LoLAPI Example v1.3.c3p 71 kB
Mar 03, 2021

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